Leg Swelling

It’s not uncommon to have leg swelling if you’ve been sitting for hours or standing all day. But swollen legs also can be a sign of something serious. The Board Certified Vein and Vascular Specialists in Crestview Hills, KY, Northern Kentucky, and Cincinnati, OH feature a team of board-certified vascular and interventional radiologists who are regarded as the most experienced physicians in the region when it comes to treating leg swelling. They get to the root cause of your condition to recommend the right treatment that gives you relief. Call the office today or schedule a consultation online.
Leg Swelling Q & A
Is leg swelling serious?
If your legs look puffy, it could be a sign that you’re sitting too much, your diet is too salty, or another factor. Sometimes though, leg swelling may be a sign of something more serious.
One possible problem is a blockage in your pelvic veins. One of your legs may swell when these veins are blocked. This condition typically comes on slowly.
Rapid leg swelling, however, could be due to a blood clot deep in your vein. This condition is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
What is deep vein thrombosis?
DVT occurs when a blood clot develops in a vein in your body. Most DVT clots form deep in your thigh or lower leg.
Deep vein thrombosis can harm your health if a clot breaks loose and travels through your bloodstream to cause a pulmonary embolism, a potentially deadly condition where the clot reaches your lungs.
What are the signs of DVT?
A swollen leg is a symptom of DVT. Other symptoms include warmth, tenderness, and red skin in the area. Your affected leg also might be painful when you have a deep vein thrombosis.
How do I know what is causing leg swelling?
The board-certified specialists at Vascular & Interventional Associates are the most experienced in the region in the diagnosis and treatment of leg swelling. You can expect them to get to the bottom of your condition, so you get the care you need
Your provider reviews your symptoms and examines your leg, looking for redness, warmth, and other telltale signs. Expect a lot of questions about your leg swelling. They’ll want to know when it happens, what makes the swelling better, and what makes the swelling worse, among other things.
Your provider might also recommend tests to gather more information about your condition. These tests may include bloodwork, an ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as other tests the team needs in order to make a diagnosis.
What are the treatments for leg swelling?
Your provider at Vascular & Interventional Associates tailors your treatment to your underlying problem. If a clot is causing your leg swelling, they may clot-busting medications to open up the veins, restore normal blood flow, and alleviate leg swelling. Another treatment solution is a stent, which is a small tube that’s placed in your vein to keep it open.
For expert care for leg swelling, rely on the team of vein specialists at Vascular & Interventional Associates. Call today or schedule your consultation online.
Conditions & Treatments
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