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What Can Get Rid of My Embarrassing Spider Veins?

What Can Get Rid of My Embarrassing Spider Veins?

Spider veins are aptly named. These small veins create a noticeable web on the surface of your skin. They might be red, purple, or another color, but at the end of the day, the main takeaway is that they’re visible.

This might not matter if you have your spider veins in a relatively hidden area, like your thighs. But if your spider veins appear on an exposed part of your body — especially your face — you might find them unwelcome or even embarrassing. 

Fortunately, you’re not stuck with them. Here at Vascular & Interventional Associates, our expert providers specialize in getting rid of unwanted spider veins. Serving northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio, we’re here to help you eliminate this common vascular problem. 

Getting rid of spider veins

Our team uses sclerotherapy, the leading treatment for spider veins. This minimally invasive treatment addresses the root cause of the issue — your problem vein — to give you ideal results.

To understand how sclerotherapy works, it’s first helpful to understand spider veins. These veins become visible when the valves inside them that keep blood flowing back toward the heart get weakened or damaged. This allows blood to pool in the vein, enlarging it. That’s what makes your spider vein visible.

Once a vein becomes a spider vein, it’s not working the way it should because blood isn’t flowing properly through it. Fortunately, your body has plenty of other blood vessels it can use to get your blood where it needs to go.

With sclerotherapy, we close the problematic, visible spider vein. This isn’t harmful to you in any way because your body is already relying on other veins for blood transport.

What to expect with sclerotherapy treatment

During sclerotherapy treatment, we inject a small amount of a specialized solution directly into the spider vein. This solution causes the walls of the vein to stick together, sealing it shut. Your body then permanently redirects blood to your other, healthy veins. 

Once the vein stops functioning, your body begins the process of absorbing it. As that absorption occurs, your spider vein fades from view. 

Not only is sclerotherapy minimally invasive, but it also comes with minimal downtime. You don’t need to take time away from work or school after your appointment. The only change you need to make is wearing compression garments over the treated area for a period of time to encourage good circulation and a proper seal on the vein.

Some people achieve their ideal results with a single treatment, while others need around three appointments to fully clear up their spider veins. Talk with our team about your aesthetic goals, and we can personalize a treatment plan for you. 

To learn more about sclerotherapy or to visit our team for a consultation, call our office in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, or request an appointment online today.

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