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How A Varicose Vein Doctor Can Help You

Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with varicose veins, or twisted, swollen veins that are visible just below the surface of the skin.  Varicose veins can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance and can also cause discomfort and medical issues. That’s why seeing a varicose vein doctor for the right diagnosis and treatment is so important. A vein doctor can recommend the most appropriate treatment for you and follow-up with you afterward to make sure all is well.

What a Varicose Vein Doctor Can Do

Diagnose Your Problem

In some cases, a vein doctor is able to diagnose varicose veins or a similar vein problem, such as spider veins, after doing a physical exam. Your doctor might have you sit or stand and will take a close look at your legs while you do so. In some cases, the doctor might use imaging to look deeper into the legs and veins, to see if there are any signs of clots or valve problems.

Recommend the Right Treatment

Once you’ve gotten a diagnosis, your doctor can recommend the treatment that is most appropriate for you. The right treatment depends in large part on the severity of your veins and what you hope to get from it. Some patients might see sufficient improvement, or at the very least, a slow down in the progression, of their veins by making lifestyle changes. Your doctor might recommend losing weight, getting more exercise, or not standing or sitting still for lengthy periods. Often, some sort of medical treatment is the best option for patients. The right treatment for you depends on how large and how deep the veins are. If you have superficial or smaller varicose veins, treatment with endovenous laser ablation might be the most appropriate. Larger veins can often be treated with ambulatory phlebectomy while ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is often a good option for veins that are deeper in the leg. Aside from helping to eliminate varicose veins, the big benefit of these treatments is that they typically have almost no recovery time.

Follow-Up with You After Treatment

The good news about treating varicose veins is that it permanently removes those veins. The not-so-great news is that new veins can develop. That’s why it’s important to stay in touch with your doctor after treatment. Your doctor can recommend lifestyle changes to keep new veins from forming. He can also exam your legs at a later date to see if new varicose or spider veins have appeared. If they have, your doctor can recommend the right treatments to get rid of the new crop of veins. The team of vein doctors at Vascular & Interventional Associates Vein Center, in Crestview Hills, KY, specialize in treating vein problems, including varicose and spider veins. To learn more about how our doctors can help you, call 859-286-7333 to schedule a consultation today.

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