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All About Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins are an embarrassing problem that affects millions of people in the United States. Fortunately, effective treatments for this condition are available. Below is some information to help you understand this condition and determine the right approach to spider vein treatment.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are small abnormal veins that usually develop close to the surface of your skin. They may appear in web-like patterns, and they are often red, blue or purple in color. Spider veins develop because of an increase in blood pressure in the veins. They become more likely to develop as you age. Some people are also predisposed to spider veins because of certain genetic factors.

Treating Spider Veins

Spider veins aren’t dangerous and are unlikely to cause any health problems. However, many people choose to seek treatment for spider veins for cosmetic reasons. The most common treatment recommended for patients with spider veins is sclerotherapy. During this procedure, a vascular surgeon uses a small needle to inject a special solution into spider veins. This solution causes the walls of the veins to swell and stick together, sealing off the vein and directing the flow of blood to healthier vessels. The vein eventually turns into scar tissue and fades from view. Depending on the severity of your spider veins, you may need up to five treatments to get your desired results.


After a sclerotherapy procedure is complete, you will need to wear compression stockings for a specific period of time. However, you will be able to return to your normal activities almost immediately after being released from the clinic.

Scheduling Spider Vein Treatment

Spider vein treatment is usually considered cosmetic, so it isn’t likely to be covered by your health insurance. However, most patients find this treatment to be affordable. If you are interested in learning more about sclerotherapy and other vein treatment procedures, please contact Vascular & Interventional Associates Vein Center today to make an appointment with an experienced vein doctor.

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