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7 Signs That You May Have Fibroids

Many women have fibroids and never know it. In fact, as many as 70% of women will get fibroids at some point in their life. But while some uterine fibroids come with no symptoms at all, others cause pain and inconvenient symptoms like frequent urination. 

If you have symptom-causing fibroids and you live in the areas of Northern Kentucky or Cincinnati, Ohio, the expert providers at Vascular & Interventional Associates can treat them with minimally invasive, minimal-downtime uterine fibroid embolization. To learn more about this groundbreaking treatment and our specialty in it, contact our office in Crestview Hills, Kentucky.

But first, how do you know if you have fibroids? Heavy, painful periods are the most common symptom of fibroids. Here are seven other signs that you might have fibroids. 

Bleeding between periods

Uterine fibroids are one of the leading causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding. If you regularly spot or bleed outside of your monthly period, talk to our team. 

Abdominal swelling

Some fibroids are as small as a seed, but others grow to 8 inches in diameter or more. If you have a large fibroid, it can cause distension in your pelvis or stomach. Monitor any abdominal swelling. If it doesn’t go away, make an appointment with us. 

Painful sex

If your fibroid is located near your cervix, the pressure from sex can cause you discomfort or even outright pain. You may also experience bleeding after sex because of your fibroid. Ultimately, untreated fibroids can take a toll on your sex life. 

Pelvic pain

The pain caused by a fibroid can range from a dull, persistent ache to a sharp, shooting pain if the fibroid outgrows its blood supply and starts to die. Don’t ignore pelvic pain. With treatment like uterine fibroid embolization, our team can address the cause of the discomfort and ease your pain.


Because bloating is a common experience during your menstrual cycle, many women ignore or overlook swelling or heaviness. But if your bloating lasts more than a few days, it could be the result of a growing fibroid. 


As a fibroid grows, it can put pressure on your bowels. Because your uterus is right in front of the last section of your colon, which controls your bowel movements, fibroids in the back of the uterus can cause constipation. 

Frequent urination

Similarly, the fibroid can put pressure on your bladder, causing more frequent urination or making it more difficult to fully empty your bladder. 

If you’re living with any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to call Vascular & Interventional Associates or book your appointment with us online today. Our experts were among the first to perform uterine fibroid embolization in our area, and we can help you get rid of fibroids with this minimally invasive procedure.

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